Welcome to my Portfolio Site

About Me...

Hello, I go by AhWham or just Wham for short and I am someone with a lot of hobbies. I am an Artist, Always have been and hopefully always will be, I've been drawing just about everyday since I was a kid and switched to Digital only in 2021. I am a Coder, I made this portfolio from scratch with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap and this is the project to help me get more comfortable in designing Websites


Art is the one hobby that grow way back for me, but I've had some trouble getting my footing in the past. I used to be very closed off when it came to learning new techniques and other aspects of drawing than what I doing, which was drawing characters from the shoulders up. Only recently have I started to practice more with posing, backgrounds, perspectives, shading, etc. With it, I feel a lot more capable when it comes to drawing. While I'm still struggling with getting everything how I want it, I'm still very proud of the work I've done so far.

Web Design and Programming

Coding is a very new frontier and some languages are just beyond me at this stage. I started learning code outside of game engines in 2020 and it's been pretty fun so far. I do need to work on how to use python or java, but with HTML and CSS I feel pretty good about making sites. The whole reason for me using code to make this site instead of using something like Wix or SquareSpace was so I didn't have to paid to get rid of watermarks. Although this project was born out of me being cheap and taking the hard way, I do enjoy working on this site and making it better than before. It was also just good to familize myself to using GitHub to host the cite and Bootstrap to use columns and containers to make it look that much more nicer. The first draft of the site was a little barebones and I've always thought I needed to redo it, so I'm glad I finally got the motivation to redo thew site into something more pleasing.